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Νame in other language: Σαίξπηρ, Ουίλλιαμ (1564-1616) [Greek] Dates: 1564 - 1616
Νame in other language: Papakyriakis, Giorgos [english]
Νame in other language: Maragkoudakis, Nikos ((1929-2014)) [english] Dates: 1929 - 2014
Νame in other language: Sakellariou, Charis (1923-2007) [english] Dates: 1923 - 2007
Νame in other language: Kyrou, Kleitos (1921-2006) [english] Dates: 1921 - 2006
Νame in other language: Kolokotronis, Christos (1922-1999) [english] Dates: 1922 - 1999 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Rita Boumi - Papa (1906-1984) [english] Dates: 1906 - 1984
Νame in other language: Andreopoulos, Vasilis (1923-2011) [english] Dates: 1923 - 2011 Birth place: Platanos Akratas Achaias
Νame in other language: Τουργκένιεφ, Ιβάν Σεργκέγεβιτς (1818-1883) [Greek] Dates: 1818 - 1883
Νame in other language: Papanikolaou, Michalis (1937-2017) [english] Dates: 1937 - 2017 Birth place: Pyrgos
Νame in other language: Φρις, Μαξ (1911-1991) [Greek] Dates: 1911 - 1991
Νame in other language: Μπίαν, Μπρένταν (1923-1964) [Greek] Dates: 1923 - 1964
Νame in other language: Νικολάι, Άλντο (1920-2004) [Greek] Dates: 1920 - 2004
Νame in other language: Χάσεκ, Γιάροσλαβ (1883-1923) [english] Dates: 1883 - 1923
Νame in other language: Moschonas, Odysseas (1912-1995) [english] Dates: 1912 - 23/11/1995

Linda, Meri

Νame in other language: Linda, Meri (1935-) [english] Dates: 09/11/1935 -
Νame in other language: Tsatsou-Symeonidou, Ntora (1932-2000) [english] Dates: 08/1932 - 2000
Νame in other language: Kapodistrias, Ioannis A. (1776-1831) [english] Dates: 1776 - 1831
Νame in other language: Georgouli, Aliki (1931-1995) [english] Dates: 1931 - 1995 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Deligianni-Anastasiadi, Georgia (1904-1998) [english] Dates: 00/00/1904 - 00/00/1998
Νame in other language: Manou, Rallou (1915-1988) [english] Dates: 26/06/1915 - 15/10/1988
Νame in other language: Myrat, Dimitris (1908-1991) [english] Dates: 1908 - 1991 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Panagoulis, Alexandros (1939-1976) [english] Dates: 1939 - 1976 Birth place: Athens
Title in other language: Exile (Seas surround us) [english] Dates: 1947 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Lyricist: Theodorakis, Mikis
  1. Της Εξορίας
  2. Της Εξορίας Α'
Title in other language: Suite No. 2 [english] Dates: 1955-1956 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Other Creator: Varnalis, Kostas
  1. Suit No. 2
Title in other language: I kept my life [english] Dates: 1960 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Ποιητής: Seferis, Giorgos
  1. Κράτησα τη ζωή μου
  2. Κράτησα τη ζωή μου
Title in other language: Now that you're leaving [english] Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Ποιητής: Seferis, Giorgos
Title in other language: They, who are not taken by solitude [english] Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Ποιητής: Eleftheriou, Manos
Title in other language: Ô montagnes [english] Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Ποιητής: Theodorakis, Mikis