National Academy of Music Prof. Pancho Vladigerov

  1. Οργανισμός
  2. 1921
  3. Sofia
  4. Εκπαιδευτικός φορέας
  5. Πατήστε εδώ
    • The National Academy of Music "Prof. Pancho Vladigerov"  (BulgarianНационална музикална академия „Панчо Владигеров“Natsionalna muzikalna akademia „Pancho Vladigerov“), also known under its former name, the Bulgarian State Conservatoire (Българска държавна консерватория, Balgarska darzhavna konservatoria), is a university of music in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.

      Founded in 1921 through a royal decree of Tsar Boris III, it is named after influential Bulgarian composer Pancho Vladigerov (1899–1978).

      Expanded in two buildings houses, the academy offers 30 programmes divided into three faculties: the Faculty of Theory, Composition and Conducting; the Instrumental Faculty; and the Vocal Faculty.

      1. central