École normale de musique de Paris "Alfred Cortot"

  1. Οργανισμός
  2. 1919
  3. Paris
  4. Εκπαιδευτικός φορέας
    • Foundation of the École Normale de Musique de Paris on 1919, October 6th by Alfred Cortot and Auguste Mangeot as a private institution. The objectives consist of maintaining the cultural prestige of France and cultivating great teachers and virtuosos thanks to a holistic pedagogy featuring extensive study of an instrument, music theory, writing, history of music, practice and teaching. Alfred Cortot defined this teaching style as one that « omits nothing… it is the result of the intersection of the diverse branches of general teaching and varied specialization ».
      Cortot acquired some of the best teachers of the era, which was partly made up of former students such as pianists Yvonne Lefébure and Nadia Boulanger, organist Marcel Dupré, harpsichordist Wanda Landowska, violinist Jacques Thibaud, cellists Pablo Casals and André Navarra, vocalists Claire Croiza, Charles Panzéra and Pierre Bernac and composers Georges Eneso, Paul Dukas and Arthur Honegger.

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