Search in ΜΕΛΟΣ
List of search results:
Νame in other language: Stasinopoulos, Michail (1903-2002) [english] Dates: 27/7/1903 - 31/10/2002
Νame in other language: Mavilis, Lorentzos (1860-1912) [english] Dates: 06/09/1860 - 28/11/1912
Νame in other language: Elytis, Odysseas (1911-1996) [english] Dates: 02/11/1911 - 18/03/1996
Νame in other language: Georgousopoulos, Kostas (1937-) [english] Dates: 1937 -
Νame in other language: Χάινε, Χάινριχ (1979-1856) [Greek] Dates: 13/12/1797 - 17/02/1856
Νame in other language: Porphyras, Lampros (1879-1932) [english] Dates: 00/00/1879 - 00/00/1932
Νame in other language: Valaoritis, Aristotelis (1824-1879) [english] Dates: 01/06/1824 - 24/07/1879
Νame in other language: Gryparis, Ioannis (1870-1942) [english] Dates: 17/07/1870 - 00/00/1942
Νame in other language: Angoules, Fotis (1911-1964) [english] Dates: 01/01/1911 - 27/03/1964
Dates: 01/09/1868 - 20/07/1920
Νame in other language: Solomos, Dionysios (1798-1857) [english] Dates: 08/06/1798 [Ημερομηνία από zakynthos-museumsolomos] - 09/02/1857 [Ημερομηνία από zakynthos-museumsolomos]
Νame in other language: Katsaros, Michalis (1919-1998) [english] Dates: 1919 - 1998
Νame in other language: Evanghelatos, Antiochos (1902-1981) [english] Dates: 23/12/1902 - 17/12/1981
Νame in other language: Paraskevas, Apostolos [english] Dates: 1964 -
Νame in other language: Tsoupaki, Calliope [english] Dates: 27/05/1963 -
Νame in other language: Kioulaphides, Victor [english] Dates: 1961 -
Title in other language: Tango για βιολί, ακορντεόν, πιάνο και κοντραμπάσο [Greek] Dates: 2005 Composer: Vassiliadis, Anastasios Collection: Μουσική Δωματίου Adaptations:
  1. Vassiliadis, Anastasios [Composer]. Tango for violin, accordion, piano and contrabass
Νame in other language: Vasileiades, Charalampos (1907-1972) [english] Dates: 1907 - 16/5/1972
Νame in other language: Mavridhis, Charalampos [english] Dates: 07/1922 - 05/2014
Νame in other language: Komninos, Panos [english]
Title in other language: Κομμάτι για κοντραμπάσο [Greek] Dates: 10-1980 Composer: Klapsis, Spyros Collection: Σόλο Έργα Adaptations:
  1. Klapsis, Spyros [Composer]. Piece pour contre basse
Title in other language: Dakoutros, Iakovos. Prometheus Desmotis for solo C.Bass [english] Dates: 1994 Composer: Dakoutros, Iakovos Collection: Σόλο Έργα Adaptations:
  1. Dakoutros, Iakovos [Composer]. Prometheus Desmotis for solo C.Bass
Title in other language: 12 Precari per Solo (N) Contrebbasse [Italian] Dates: 1993 Composer: Chassouros, Dimitrios Collection: Σόλο Έργα Adaptations:
  1. Chassouros, Dimitrios [Composer]. 12 Präludien pour Solo (N) D.Bass
Title in other language: Solo for Double Bass [english], Σόλο για κοντραμπάσο [Greek] Dates: 1994 [1994?] Composer: Navrozidis, Charalampos Collection: Σόλο Έργα Adaptations:
  1. Navrozidis, Charalampos [Composer]. Solo for Double Bass
Title in other language: Ψυχή και Σώμα για πιάνο, μπαγιάν, βιολί και κοντραμπάσο [Greek] Dates: 2009 Composer: Bokoglidou, Anastasia Collection: Μουσική Δωματίου Adaptations:
  1. Bokoglidou, Anastasia [Composer]. Anima e Corpo for piano, bayan, violin and double bass