Search in ΜΕΛΟΣ
Found 1788 results (contain 52 manifestations and 52 digital items )
Found 1788 results (contain 52 manifestations and 52 digital items ) , total pages 60.
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Dates: 1962 -

Yun, Isang

Νame in other language: Deligiannis, Thanasis [english] Dates: 1983 - Birth place: Larissa
Νame in other language: Aeschylus (0525-0456) [english] Dates: 0525 - 0456 Birth place: Elefsina
Νame in other language: Stergiou, Kostas [english]
Νame in other language: Βάγκνερ, Γκυ [Greek] Dates: 1938 - 2016 Birth place: Luxemburg (city)
Dates: 23/06/1902 - 29/11/1966 Birth place: Hamburg
Νame in other language: Mermigas, Charilaos (Charis) [english]
Νame in other language: Georgiadou, Katerina [english]