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Found 1895 results (contain 58 manifestations and 57 digital items )

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Found 1895 results (contain 58 manifestations and 57 digital items ) , total pages 64.
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Title in other language: Arcadia X. My name is Kostas Stergiou - You had three lives "while the investigation of Myrto and the children continues..." [english] Dates: 22-09-1969 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
  1. Αρκαδία X
  2. Αρκαδία 10
  3. Αρκαδία 10
  4. Αρκαδία 10
Νame in other language: Mavilis, Lorentzos (1860-1912) [english] Dates: 06/09/1860 - 28/11/1912

test person

Νame in other language: Ramou, Lorenda [english] Dates: 1967 -
Νame in other language: Agrafiotis, Dimitrios [english] Dates: 17/03/1932 -
Νame in other language: Polymeneas-Liontiris, Thanos [english] Dates: 1981 - Birth place: Piraeus
Νame in other language: Stamatogiannopoulou, Nefeli [english] Dates: 1985 - Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Bakas, Dimitris [english] Dates: 1975 -
Νame in other language: Marangopoulos, Nikos [english]