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Found 1802 results (contain 55 manifestations and 55 digital items )

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Found 1802 results (contain 55 manifestations and 55 digital items ) , total pages 61.
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Title in other language: b as I eye us be, για έναν κοντραμπασίστα και έναν φανταστικό εκτελεστή [Greek] Dates: 12-2004 [San Diego] Composer: Papalexandri-Alexandri, Marianthi Adaptations:
  1. Papalexandri-Alexandri, Marianthi [Composer]. b as I eye us be, for a double bass player and an imaginary performer
Νame in other language: Paraskevas, Apostolos [english] Dates: 1964 -
Νame in other language: Staurou, Gerasimos (1921-1976) [english] Dates: 1921 - 1976
Νame in other language: Trikolidis, Karl Kaspar (1947-2022) [english] Dates: 24/07/1947 - 20/01/2022
Νame in other language: Sachinidis, Georgios (1911-1990) [english] Dates: 02/05/1911 - 26/07/1990
Νame in other language: Caridis, Miltiades (1923-1998) [english] Dates: 09/05/1923 - 01/03/1998


Μusical work
Νame in other language: Panagiotou, Athanasia [english] Dates: 1971 - Birth place: Thessaloniki
Νame in other language: Zachariadis, Nikos [english] Dates: 1970 - 31/12/2017 Birth place: Thessaloniki
Νame in other language: Σνάϊκαρτ, Χάϊνριχ (1929-2008) [Greek] Dates: 07/04/1929 - 21/02/2008
Νame in other language: Xanthoudakis, Haris (1950-2023) [english] Dates: 18/06/1950 - 07/11/2023
Νame in other language: Tsoupaki, Calliope [english] Dates: 27/05/1963 -
Νame in other language: Ladis, Fontas (1943-) [english] Dates: 1943 -
Νame in other language: Synodinou, Anna (1927-2016) [english] Dates: 22/11/1927 - 07/01/2016
Title in other language: Lysistrata [english] Dates: 13-04-1966 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Ποιητής: Aristofanis
  1. ΄Λυσιστράτη
Νame in other language: Aristofanis (0450-0385) [english], Aristophanes (0450-0385) [english] Dates: 0450 [περίπου | circa] - 0385 [περίπου | circa] Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Papaïoannou, Yiannis (1913-1972) [english] Dates: 18/01/1913 - 03/08/1972