Search in ΜΕΛΟΣ
Found 1895 results (contain 58 manifestations and 57 digital items )
Found 1895 results (contain 58 manifestations and 57 digital items ) , total pages 64.
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Νame in other language: Sinopoulos, Takis (1917-198) [english] Dates: 1917 - 1981
Νame in other language: Γκαρθία Λόρκα, Φεδερίκο (1898) (1936) [Greek] Dates: 05/06/1898 - 00/08/1936
Νame in other language: Μα, Γιο Γιο (1955) [Greek] Dates: 1955 -
Title in other language: Arcadia VII: The survivor [english] Dates: 15-07-1969 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Ποιητής: Sinopoulos, Takis
Νame in other language: Nikolakopoulou, Lina [english] Dates: 30/06/1957 -
Title in other language: Κομμάτι για κοντραμπάσο [Greek] Dates: 10-1980 Composer: Klapsis, Spyros Adaptations:
  1. Klapsis, Spyros [Composer]. Piece pour contre basse
Title in other language: Dakoutros, Iakovos. Prometheus Desmotis for solo C.Bass [english] Dates: 1994 Composer: Dakoutros, Iakovos Adaptations:
  1. Dakoutros, Iakovos [Composer]. Prometheus Desmotis for solo C.Bass
Νame in other language: Anagnostakis, Manolis (1925-2005) [english] Dates: 10/03/1925 - 23/06/2005
Title in other language: Σονάτα "Παράθυρα" για κοντραμπάσο και πιάνο [Greek] Dates: 2004 Composer: Karantzis, Nectarios Adaptations:
  1. Καραντζής, Νεκτάριος [Composer]. Sonata 'Parathira' for double bass and piano
Νame in other language: Papakonstantinou, Vasilis (1950-) [english] Dates: 21/06/1950 - Birth place: Vastas