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Found 1802 results (contain 55 manifestations and 55 digital items )

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Found 1802 results (contain 55 manifestations and 55 digital items ) , total pages 61.
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Νame in other language: Angoules, Fotis (1911-1964) [english] Dates: 01/01/1911 - 27/03/1964
Title in other language: Πιάνο κονσέρτο [Greek] Dates: 05-11-1957 [Πρώτη γραφή ως "διασκευή" για δύο πιάνο. | Originally written as an "arrangement" for two pianos.]| 10-01-1958 [Φινάλε. | Finale.]| 21-03-1958 [Τελική μορφή. | Final form.]| 12-1996 [Καινούριο Coda. | New coda.] Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
  1. Πιάνο κονσέρτο (ολόκληρωμένο σχέδιο)
  2. Piano concerto
  3. Concerto pour piano
Νame in other language: Ελυάρ, Πωλ (1895-1952) [Greek] Dates: 14/12/1895 - 18/11/1952
Title in other language: Your orange hair [english], Τα πορτοκαλί μαλλιά σου [Greek] Dates: 14-02-1958 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Dedicated to: Bathori, Jane
Ποιητής: Eluard, Paul
  1. Ta chevelure d'oranges
  2. Ta chevelure d'oranges
  3. Ta chevelure d'oranges
Title in other language: The curve of your eyes [english], Η καμπύλη των ματιών σου [Greek] Dates: 14-02-1958 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Dedicated to: Bathori, Jane
Ποιητής: Eluard, Paul
  1. La courbe de tes yeux
  2. La courbe de tes yeux
  3. La courbe de tes yeux
Title in other language: Their eyes always pure [english], Τα μάτια τους πάντα καθαρά [Greek] Dates: 14-02-1958 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Dedicated to: Bathori, Jane
Ποιητής: Eluard, Paul
  1. Leurs yeux toujours purs
  2. Leurs yeux toujours purs
  3. Leurs yeux toujours purs
Title in other language: I told you about the clouds [english], Σου είπα για τα σύννεφα [Greek] Dates: 14-02-1958 Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Dedicated to: Bathori, Jane
Ποιητής: Eluard, Paul
  1. Je te l'ai dit pour les nuages
  2. Je te l'ai dit pour les nuages
  3. Je te l'ai dit pour les nuages
Title in other language: She will wake up from a black and blue dream [english], Θα ξυπνήσει από ένα ασπρόμαυρο όνειρο [Greek] Composer: Theodorakis, Mikis
Dedicated to: Bathori, Jane
Ποιητής: Eluard, Paul
  1. Elle va s' eveiller d' un reve noir et bleu
Title in other language: Near the egret of the great bridge [english], Κοντά στον τσικνιά της μεγάλης γέφυρας [Greek] Dedicated to: Bathori, Jane
  1. Près de la l'aigrette du grand pont
Title in other language: Around his bed [english], Γύρω από το κρεβάτι του [Greek] Dedicated to: Bathori, Jane
  1. Dans les parages de son lit
Title in other language: Under worn beams [english], Under worn beams [Greek]
  1. Sous des poutres usées
Νame in other language: Μπατορί, Τζέιν [Greek] Dates: 1877 - 1970 Birth place: Paris
Νame in other language: Samios, Vyron [english] Birth place: Athens
Title in other language: I have the power to exist without destiny [english], Έχω τη δύναμη να υπάρχω χωρίς πεπρωμένο [Greek] Dedicated to: Bathori, Jane
  1. J'ai le pouvoir d'exister sans destin
Title in other language: My sisters take in their paintings [english], Οι αδερφές μου παίρνουν τις ζωγραφιές τους [Greek] Dedicated to: Bathori, Jane
  1. Mes soeurs prennent dans leurs toiles
Title in other language: Τα μάτια τους πάντα καθαρά [english] Dates: 12-02-1958
  1. Leurs yeux toujours purs
Νame in other language: Ninos, K. [english]
Νame in other language: Isikhopoulos, Evangelos [english]
Νame in other language: Vasilopoulos, Yiannis [english]
Νame in other language: Diana, Anthoula [english]
Νame in other language: Derlikou, Mina [english]
Νame in other language: Karapatakis, Vasilis [english]
Νame in other language: Kaldaras, Apostolos [english]
Νame in other language: Lampraki, Kharoula [english]