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Found 1895 results (contain 58 manifestations and 57 digital items )
Found 1895 results (contain 58 manifestations and 57 digital items ) , total pages 64.
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Νame in other language: Grilli, Maria [english]
Νame in other language: Glykeria [english] Dates: 16/11/1953 -
Νame in other language: Tatasopoulos, Yannis (1928-2001) [english] Dates: 07/01/1928 - 21/10/2001 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Eugenikos, Athanasios [english] Dates: 1908 - 1983 Birth place: Κοκκάρι Σάμου
Νame in other language: Efstathíou, Dimítris (1923-1996) [english] Dates: 1923 - 11/08/1996
Νame in other language: Zagoreos, Spiros [english] Dates: 23/06/1928 - 20/10/2014
Νame in other language: Kallergis, Nikos [english] Dates: 1916 - 02/05/2008 Birth place: Κωνσταντινούπολη
Νame in other language: Kalfopoulou, Soula [english]
Νame in other language: Klidoniaris, Antonis [english]
Νame in other language: Kollitiri, Sofia [english] Dates: 1944 - Birth place: Ελαία Φωκίδας
Νame in other language: Kontogiannis, Dimitris (1950-) [english] Dates: 1950 - Birth place: Δαύλεια Βοιωτίας
Νame in other language: Kabanis, Stavros (1937-) [english] Dates: 1937 - Birth place: Pilaia
Νame in other language: Koronis (1918-1984) [english] Dates: 1918 - 23/01/1984
Νame in other language: Kanaridis, Manolis (1936-) [english] Dates: 1936 - Birth place: Piraeus
Νame in other language: Thodi, Efi [english] Dates: 18/01/1964 -
Νame in other language: Mavridis, S. [english]
Νame in other language: Menidiatis, Mihalis (1932-2012) [english] Dates: 29/06/1932 - 21/08/2012
Νame in other language: Moschonas, Odysseas (1912-1995) [english] Dates: 1912 - 23/11/1995
Νame in other language: Moustakas, Antonis (1930-2003) [english] Dates: 05/08/1930 - 28/08/2003 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Lambo, Elsa [english] Dates: 1923 - 08/12/2010
Νame in other language: Dallia, Rena (1934 or 1935-2000) [english] Dates: 1934 [ή 1935] - 08/2000
Νame in other language: Nengri, Pitsa [english] Dates: 1935 - 15/11/2019 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Repanis, Antonis [english] Dates: 14/08/1933 - 30/05/2019 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Passalari, Soula [english]