Criteria of search: Musical person
Found 696 results
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List of search results:
Νame in other language: Grilli, Maria [english]
Νame in other language: Makridakis, Stelios (1928-1995) [english] Dates: 10/08/1928 - 15/05/1995 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Tsivgoulis, Sakis [english] Dates: 1950 - Birth place: Ξηρό Χωριό Ρεθύμνης
Νame in other language: Margaroni, Evangelia (1928-2018) [english] Dates: 1928 - 05/09/2018 Birth place: Κοκκινιά
Νame in other language: Kasimidis, Vassilis [english]
Νame in other language: Poxis, Stelios [english]
Νame in other language: Pelelis, Petros [english]
Νame in other language: Theofilopoulos, Giorgos [english] Dates: 1918 - 1998 Birth place: Kalamata
Νame in other language: Τsibidis, Giorgos (1927-2003) [english] Dates: 18/10/1927 - 11/04/2003 Birth place: Καραβόσταμο Ικαρίας


Νame in other language: Kampourelos (1927-2007) [english] Dates: 1927 - 04/2007 Birth place: Thessaloniki
Νame in other language: Livieratos, Spyros [english]
Νame in other language: Savvaidis, Vasilis [english]
Νame in other language: Mantzopoulos, Kostas (1951-2023) [english] Dates: 02/1951 - 02/02/2023
Νame in other language: Chiotis, Manolis (1921-1970) [english] Dates: 21/03/1921 - 21/03/1970
Νame in other language: Savvopoulos, Dionysis [english] Dates: 02/12/1944 -
Νame in other language: Derveniotis, Theodoros [english] Dates: 20/01/1922 - 04/12/2004
Νame in other language: Dionysiou, Stratos [english] Dates: 08/11/1935 - 11/05/1990
Νame in other language: Michalopoulos, Panagiotis (1924-1992) [english] Dates: 24/03/1924 - 28/08/1992
Νame in other language: Peristeris, Spyros (1900-1966) [english] Dates: 1900 - 15/03/1966
Νame in other language: Hadzichristos, Apostolos (1901?-1959) [english] Dates: [1901] - 05/06/1959
Νame in other language: Kokontinis, Panagiotis (1918-2000) [english] Dates: 1918 - 01/08/2000
Νame in other language: Virvos, Kostas [english] Dates: 29/03/1926 - 06/08/2015
Νame in other language: Koros, George (1923-2014) [english] Dates: 19/03/1923 - 08/01/2014
Νame in other language: Haskil, Stella (1918-1954) [english] Dates: 1918 - 27/02/1954
Νame in other language: Lydia, Giota (1934-) [english] Dates: 24/02/1934 -
Νame in other language: Dallia, Rena (1934 or 1935-2000) [english] Dates: 1934 [ή 1935] - 08/2000
Νame in other language: Moschonas, Odysseas (1912-1995) [english] Dates: 1912 - 23/11/1995