- Modality
- Greek
In the modal category of Matzore, compositions are classified that establish the intervallic structure of the matzore (derived from the major scale) 5-chord (Tone-Tone-Semitone-Tone) in the Tonic.
It is necessary to clarify that one of the most important conclusions drawn from the comparative analysis of Tsitsanis' recordings is that, in many cases, patterns cannot easily be summarized in the structure of a scale. Therefore, in the description of the Matzore modal entity that follows, we start from some typical structures that correspond to a reasonable number of recordings, but their applicability should be seen as limited for reasons that will be explained later.
One of the main structural forms that appears in recordings of this category consists of the combination of the matzore or major (major scale's) subunit (4-chord or 5-chord) in the Tonic and the matzore 4-chord in the V degree:
Typical Matzore main structure
This arrangement is completed in the lower region by a matzore 4-chord (with the Tonic as the 4-chord's top degree), forming attached matzore structural units on either side of the Tonic.
Matzore structure at the tonic's area
However, it is necessary to note that only few of the compositions included in the Matzore modal category are characterized by a relatively static use of the intervalic structure of a major scale, as seen, for example, in the following excerpt:
Ta dialekhtá paidiá [Sections A and B]
On the contrary, in many of his recordings, Tsitsanis handles his melodic material as if he does not perceive it within the narrow confines of a static scale. This phenomenon can be observed through various case studies, such as the appearance of temporary alterations of degrees, the temporary changes of micro structural units, and the "modulations" into different modal contexts.
Temporary Alteration of Degrees
a) Melodic Attraction
These are alterations that appear temporarily on a degree and usually serve the purpose of supporting a neighboring degree. The note where the alteration is placed simply emphasizes a neighboring degree that is in a strong part of the measure or in some cases tends to act as a leading tone for another degree which becomes a temporary tonal center.
In the first measure of the following example, we observe another function, as the sharpening of the II degree occurs as a result of attraction by the III degree, as a way of reinforcing the upward movement that the melody shows at this point, thus being affected by (and also serving) the direction of the melodic phrase.
Xeloyiástra / Perdikopoulos, Dimitris [Section A]
b) Chromatic Motion
Refers to stepwise melodic movements by successive semitones.
A chromatic motion is observed in the 4th measure of the following excerpt, when the melody moves from the III (F#) to the V (A) degree.
Atelíoto [Section B]
Temporary Changes of Structural Units
These are short-term transitions into a new structural context, usually occupying a limited structural area, e.g., a 3-chord, 4-chord, or 5-chord unit. These transformations add variety to the melodic material, making temporary references to different modes, and are later abandoned as the initial intervallic structure is restored. For example, in Section A of Xeloyiástra presented previously, we observe in the third measure the alteration of the VI degree (Bb), which, combined with the vi chord, gives a hint of the sound of the Houzam mode.
Extensive Melodic Transformation - Modulation
These refer to structural changes in the melodic material that occupy a longer duration, often extending across entire melodic sections. In some cases, they involve the simultaneous change of more than one local unit (see, as a musical example, Atelíoto [Section C] below).
The modulations into different modal structures can be distinguished into two subcases:
a) Those that refer to strict diatonic intervallic structures,
i.e., when an entire section is stated to the relative minor scale
Example 1 (interwar repertoire):
Xeloyiástra / Perdikopoulos, Dimitris [Section B]
Example 2 (postwar repertoire):
Geia sou kaïki mou Ai Nikóla (transc. in A Major) [Section A, transition to the relative minor]
b) It is a fact that Tsitsanis composes for instruments consisting of equal-tempered scales with intervals that are integer multiples of the semitone, with the latter being the smallest possible intervallic unit. However, in some melodic phrases we can detect similarities with the microtonal diatonic or chromatic (using the augmented second interval) genera.
Such an example is the modulation into the Hetzaz environment in the Tonic or at the VIII degree, a modulation that also appears in the mode Rast. It should also be noted that the connection between Matzore and Hetzaz is also detected in older recordings, even in equal-tempered folk repertoire, such as the recordings of the Matzore Mané, which are not performed in a major scale context but in a strictly chromatic (Hetzaz) structure.
Atelíoto [Section C]: combined Hetzaz structures on either side of the VIII degree, a modulation that spans into the entire section
Spilios Kounas, Musicologist
- Original: AltSol Company - Rules: RDA
- central
Matzore (Mode)
Modality of 159 View list
- Έξι λαϊκές ζωγραφίες / Hadjidakis, Manos (1925-1994) [1959]
- Συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1979]
- Συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1973]
- Ta dialekhtá paidiá (Ímaste alánia) / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1973]
- Τα καβουράκια (Ορχηστρικό) / Pappos, Manolis (1963-) [2005]
- Ντερμπεντέρισσα / Dali, Kaiti [2005]
- Συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή (ορχηστρικό)
- Συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή / Glykeria (1953-)
- Ο μαχαλόμαγκας / Savvidi, Voula [1974]
- Θα μπλέξω μ' άλλην και θα κλαίς / Bellou, Sotiria (1921-1997) [1976]
- Η μάνα μου με δέρνει / Hatzopoulou, Marianna (1932-2002) [1958]
- Ο μαχαλόμαγκας / Bellou, Sotiria (1921-1997) [1974]
- Και ποια γυναίκα δεν ξετρελαίνεις / Bellou, Sotiria (1921-1997) [1973]
- Δώδεκα η ώρα θα 'ρθω, βρε Μαριώ / Bellou, Sotiria (1921-1997) [1969]
- Αραμπάς περνά / Bellou, Sotiria (1921-1997) [1971]
- Τα καβουράκια / Bellou, Sotiria (1921-1997) [1971]
- Συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή / Bellou, Sotiria (1921-1997) [1971]
- Ό,τι κι αν πω δε σε ξεχνώ / Mauroudis, Notis (1945-2023) [2005]
- Ό,τι κι αν πω δεν σε ξεχνώ / Michalopoulos, Panagiotis (1924-1992) [1976]
- Ο τσολιάς / Chrisafi, Anna (1921-2013) [1961]
- Βρε μάγκα σπάσε - Μη μου ξαναφύγεις πια / Chrisafi, Anna (1921-2013) [1995]
- I Maritsa - Ímaste alánia / Chrisafi, Anna (1921-2013) [1995]
- Πρωί με τη δροσούλα / Peiraiotis, Athanasios [1950]
- Φάμπρικες / Iakovidis, Agathonas (1955-2020) [2000]
- Δώδεκα η ώρα / Lili (1927-2001) [1987]
- Ντερμπεντέρισσα / Bellou, Sotiria (1921-1997) [1967]
- Τα καβουράκια / Ninou, Marika (1922-1957) [1955]
- Μ' ένα πικρό αναστεναγμό (Ό,τι κι αν πω δε σε ξεχνώ) / Savvopoulos, Dionysis (1944-)
- Ό,τι κι αν πω δεν σε ξεχνώ / Bithikotsis, Grigoris (1922-2005) [1962]
- Η δροσούλα / Bithikotsis, Grigoris (1922-2005) [1960]
- Όλα τα έχω βαρεθεί / Perpiniades, Stellakes (1899-1977) [1937]
- Ξελογιάστρα / Perpiniades, Stellakes (1899-1977) [1937]
- Βάρκα γυαλό / Bithikotsis, Grigoris (1922-2005) [1973]
- Μαγκιώρα / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1973]
- Συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1980]
- Oi leventes / Gavalas, Panos (1926-1988) [1962]
- Ντερμπεντέρισσα / Bithikotsis, Grigoris (1922-2005)
- Τρικαλινή τσαχπίνα / Bithikotsis, Grigoris (1922-2005) [1961]
- Το σκαλοπάτι / Panou, Polly (1940-2013) [1961]
- Η δροσούλα / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1983]
- Ψιλή βροχή στα μάτια σου / Kokotas, Stamatis (1937-2022) [1968]
- Φίνα θα την περνάμε / Stavropoulou, Daizy (1915?-1994) [1940]
- Φιλότιμο δεν έχεις πια / Bellou, Sotiria (1921-1997) [1953]
- Τσαρκίτσα / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1978]
- Τρικαλινή τσαχπίνα / Perpiniades, Stellakes (1899-1977) [1937]
- Τρέξε µάγκα να ρωτήσεις (Ντερµπεντέρισσα) / Haskil, Stella (1918-1954) [1947]
- Το φίλντισι κομπολογάκι μου / Moscholiou, Viky (1943-2005) [1975]
- Το σκαλοπάτι σου / Polimeris, Photis (1920-2013) [1953]
- Δροσούλα / Vamvakaris, Markos (1905-1972) [1946]
- Το πρωί με τη δροσούλα / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1946]
- Το ποτάμι / Dionysiou, Stratos (1935-1990) [1961]
- Το παλικάρι στο σφυρί / Moscholiou, Viky (1943-2005) [1975]
- Το μαύρο ριζικό / Lydia, Giota (1934-) [1959]
- Το κορίτσι μου ζηλεύει / Angelopoulos, Manolis (1939-1989) [1962]
- Το βιτριόλι / Ninou, Marika (1922-1957) [1950]
- Το απόβραδο / Kanaridis, Manolis (1936-) [1959]
- Την τελευταία μου ζαριά / Dionysiou, Stratos (1935-1990) [1960]
- Την πιο ωραία μου ζωή / Ninou, Marika (1922-1957) [1951]
- Την εμορφιά σου έχασες / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1939]
- Ταξίμι πειραιώτικο / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1980]
- Τα παιδιά της αγοράς / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1947]
- Τα μοντέρνα κορίτσια / Tsaousakis, Prodromos (1919-1979) [1949]
- Τα καβουράκια / Lydia, Giota (1934-) [1959]
- Τα καβουράκια / Ninou, Marika (1922-1957) [1954]
- Τα καβουράκια / Binis, Takis (1923-2005) [1952]
- Τ' αντράκια / Kazantzidis, Stelios (1931-2001) [1957]
- Συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή / Ninou, Marika (1922-1957) [1954]
- Συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή / Kazantzidis, Stelios (1931-2001) [1959]
- Sinnephiasméni Kiriakí / Tsaousakis, Prodromos (1919-1979) [1948]
- Στους δρόμους γλέντια ακούγονται / Μαυρομιχάλης, Κώστας [1960]
- Στιγματισμένος καταστραμμένος / Χασαπάκης, Μιχάλης [1956]
- Στης Σαλονίκης τα στενά / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1939]
- Στην καρδιά μου άλλη δε χωράει / Nikolaidis, Apostolos (1938-1999) [1964]
- Στερνό μου γλυκοχάραμα / Kabanis, Stavros (1937-) [1958]
- Σταυραετός / Galani, Dimitra (1952-) [1975]
- Στα ταβερνεία θα τριγυρνώ / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1939]
- Σκέψου τη δόλια μάνα σου / Georgakopoulou, Ioanna (1920-2007) [1950]
- Σε φίνο ακρογιάλι / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1939]
- Σατράπισσα με λένε / Laoura (1934-) [1959]
- Σ' ανοίγω πόρτες κι αγκαλιές / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1969]
- Πω πω πω Μαρία / Tsaousakis, Prodromos (1919-1979) [1949]
- Πριγκηπομαστούρηδες / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1983]
- Που είναι η αγάπη μου / Panou, Polly (1940-2013) [1961]
- Περίμενες την ώρα / Lydia, Giota (1934-) [1964]
- Παρηγόρα με μπουζούκι μου / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1967]
- Πάμε για μπάνιο / Souyioul, Michalis (1906-1958) [1955]
- O,ti mou kaneis tha sou kano / Filandros [1953]
- Όσο βρόνταγαν τα φράγκα / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1967]
- Οι φάμπρικες / Tsaousakis, Prodromos (1919-1979) [1950]
- Ο τσολιάς / Bithikotsis, Grigoris (1922-2005) [1957]
- Ο Τσιτσάνης στο Μόντε Κάρλο / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1937]
- Ο Τακατζίφας / Moscholiou, Viky (1943-2005) [1975]
- Ο παντρεμένος / Haskil, Stella (1918-1954) [1949]
- Ο παντρεμένος / Ninou, Marika (1922-1957) [1949]
- Ο μαχαλόμαγκας / Bellou, Sotiria (1921-1997) [1949]
- Ο γλεντζές / Tsitsanis, Vassilis (1915-1984) [1975]
- Ο αισθηματίας / Koronis (1918-1984) [1953]
- Ξελογιάστρα / Perdikopoulos, Dimitris (1914-1952) [1937]
- Νοσταλγία / Galani, Dimitra (1952-) [1975]
- Να 'χα καρδιά από σίδερο / Gray, Cathy (1924-2025) [1958]
- Μπατίρης / Keromitis, Stelios (1903?-1979) [1940]
- Μια λεβέντισσα κοπέλα / Μαράκη, Καίτη [1969]
- Όταν σε πρωτογνώρισα / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1938]
- Μια βίλα εγώ θα σου 'χτιζα / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1940]
- Μες στην Αθήνα / Tsaousakis, Prodromos (1919-1979) [1950]
- Μείνε αγάπη μου κοντά μου / Gavalas, Panos (1926-1988) [1961]
- Μαυρομάτα μαυρομάτα / Panou, Polly (1940-2013) [1960]
- Μάνα μου εσύ τα φταις / Chrisafi, Anna (1921-2013) [1955]
- Μάνα με πάντρεψες μικρή / Haskil, Stella (1918-1954) [1947]
- Μαζί σου εγώ που τα 'μπλεξα / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1940]
- Μαγκιώρα / Vamvakaris, Markos (1905-1972) [1947]
- Μ' ένα πικρό αναστεναγμό / Perpiniades, Stellakes (1899-1977) [1940]
- Κατερίνα Θεσσαλονικιά / Georgakopoulou, Ioanna (1920-2007) [1947]
- Κάνε λίγο το κορόιδο / Bellou, Sotiria (1921-1997) [1950]
- Καμαριέρα / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1940]
- Καλημέρα καληνύχτα / Angelopoulos, Manolis (1939-1989) [1959]
- Κακιά πληγή / Roumeliotis, Dimitris (1921-2012) [1957]
- Καθαρίζω για σένα και για πάρτη μου / Tsaousakis, Prodromos (1919-1979) [1949]
- Θα μπλέξω μ' άλλη και θα κλαις / Pagioumtzis, Stratos (1904-1971) [1947]
- Η συνοικία μου / Linda, Meri (1935-) [1960]