Κουνάδης, Αργύρης (1924-2011)

Kounadis, Argyris (1924-2011) (Αγγλική)

  1. Πρόσωπο
  2. Άνδρας
  3. 20 Φεβρουαρίου 1924
  4. Istanbul
  5. 22 Νοεμβρίου 2011
  6. Freiburg
  7. Έλληνας
  8. Μουσικός
  9. Συνθέτης | Πιανίστας | Μουσικοπαιδαγωγός
  10. Hochschule für Musik Freiburg
  11. Aryiris Kunadēs (1924-2011)
  12. Λεξικό ελλήνων συνθετών : βιογραφικό, εργογραφικό - 1η έκδοση. - Αθήνα: Μουσικός Οίκος Φίλιππος Νάκας, 1995 , σελ.200
    Το λεξικό της ελληνικής μουσικής : από τον Ορφέα έως σήμερα - Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Γιαλλελής, 1998 , σελ.293-295 [τ.3ος]
  13. central
    • Arghyris Kounadis is a Greek classical pianist and composer. Coming to Greece, he studied piano and advanced theory in Athens, and as a graduate of these, he then received a scholarship from the I.K.Y. (1958), where he went to (what was then) West Germany, continuing his studies in the city of Freiburg, where he received a degree in conducting.
      In 1961 he took part in the International Competition of the Contemporary Music Society in Cologne with success. Two years later he became a professor of music at the Freiburg School of Music. In 1967 he took part in the International Music Competition in Hamburg. During the next period, 1967-1973, he directed all the "Viva Music" programs of the School itself.

VIAF Import
  1. https://viaf.org/viaf/41724356/
Wikipedia Import
  1. Αργύρης Κουνάδης (Ελληνική) | Aryiris Kunadēs (Αγγλική)
  2. Greek composer and pianist (1924-2011) (Αγγλική)
  3. Αργύρη Κουνάδη (Ελληνική) | Argyris Kounadis (Αγγλική)
  4. Αργύρης Κουνάδης
  5. 20-02-1924
  6. 22-11-2011