Bogorad, David

  1. Πρόσωπο
  2. Άνδρας
  3. Δανός | Αμερικανός
  4. Μουσικός
    • Κρατικό Ωδείο Θεσσαλονίκης - Τύπος σπουδών: Τυπικές - Τίτλος σπουδών: Δίπλωμα επιπέδου ανωτέρας σχολής - Γνωστικό αντικείμενο: Βιόλα
    • Oberlin Conservatory of Music [Διδάσκων: Vitek, Milan] - Τύπος σπουδών: Τυπικές - Τίτλος σπουδών: Δίπλωμα επιπέδου ανωτάτης σχολής - Γνωστικό αντικείμενο: Βιολί
  5. Βιολονίστας | Βιολίστας
    • Prize winner of the National Danish String Competition, the Sorantin Competition and the Øresund Soloist Competition
  6. Κρατική Ορχήστρα Θεσσαλονίκης | Νέο Ελληνικό Κουαρτέτο
  7. Μέγαρο Μουσικής Θεσσαλονίκης | Odessa Classics Thessaloniki | Chania Chamber Music Festival
  8. central
    • Danish-American violinist and violist David Bogorad made his debut with the Danish National Orchestra in 2005. He has performed as soloist on both instruments with various orchestras in Denmark, Greece, France and the U.S.A. As a member of the Prima Trio, he performed at chamber music venues such as the Da Camera Society and the Dumbarton Oaks. He has given solo recitals and he has appeared at numerous festivals including Copenhagen Summer Festival, Frederiksværk Musikfestival, Music Festival of Aigina and Chamber Music Festival Chania. Bogorad is a prize winner of the National Danish String Competition, the Sorantin Competition and the Øresund Soloist Competition. He earned a Bachelor of Music degree from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Professor Milan Vitek. He also studied baroque violin with Professor Marylin McDonald and viola with Professor Karen Ritscher. During his time at Oberlin, he received the Louis and Annette Kaufmann Prize for outstanding studies in violin. His previous teachers include Odin Rathnam, Kurt Nikkanen and Anker Buch. On viola he received his degree with honors from the Thessaloniki State Conservatory.
      He was the latest violist of the New Hellenic String Quartet - Greeces’ premiere chamber music ensemble. He was a member of the Quartetto Salonicco, the Danish ensemble Trio Quintillian and the Sirius Piano Trio. As a much sought after chamber musician he has performed repertoire spanning from the baroque to the avant-garde with ensembles such as DissonArt, Kyklos Ensemble, Latinistas Nostra, La Extravaganza Greca, Amsterdam Chamber Orchestra and Geneva Camerata.
      He currently holds the position of 2nd violin co-principal in the Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra.