Παπαλεξανδρή-Αλεξανδρή, Μαριάνθη

Papalexandri-Alexandri, Marianthi (english)

  1. Person
  2. Female
  3. 1974
  4. Ptolemaida
  5. Ελληνίδα
  6. Musician
  7. Composer
  8. Cornell University. Department of Music
  9. Onassis Foundation | Cornell University
  10. central
    • Η Μαριάνθη Παπαλεξανδρή-Αλεξανδρή (γενν. 1974, Ελλάδα) είναι συνθέτρια και καλλιτέχνης του ήχου, έχοντας για βάσεις της τη Ζυρίχη της Ελβετίας και την Ίθακα της Πολιτείας της Νέας Υόρκης. Είναι διεθνώς γνωστή για τις λεπτεπίλεπτες και καινοτόμες επιτελεστικές ακουστικές συνθέσεις και κατασκευές της, που χρησιμοποιούν ελάχιστα μέσα. Από το 2016, διδάσκει σύνθεση στο Τμήμα Μουσικής του Πανεπιστημίου Cornell, στην Ίθακα.

      Η Παπαλεξανδρή έχει εκθέσει σε χώρους όπως το Martin-Gropius-Bau (Βερολίνο), το Asmolean Museum (Οξφόρδη), το Museum of Musical Instruments (Βερολίνο), το ISEA (Χονγκ Κονγκ), το San Francisco Art Institute, το ZKM (Καρλσρούη), η Μπιενάλε Design του Ρίμινι (Ιταλία), η Transmediale (Βερολίνο), το Espoo Museum of Modern Art (Φινλανδία), το Donaueschingen Festival / Museum Art Plus (Γερμανία) και η Μπιενάλε Αρχιτεκτονικής της Βενετίας.

      Έχει λάβει αναθέσεις από τα μουσικά σύνολα Neue Vocalsolisten, Klangforum Wien, Ensemble SurPlus, Ensemble Mosaik, Yarn/Wire, ενώ έχει εμφανιστεί σε φεστιβάλ όπως τα MaerzMusik (Βερολίνο), Japan Media Arts, ISCM World Music Days (Ταλίν Εσθονίας), Ultraschall (Βερολίνο), ECLAT (Στουτγάρδη), MATA (ΝΕΑ ΥΟΡΚΗ) και Archipel (Γενεύη), μεταξύ άλλων. Έχει λάβει Ernst Von Siemens Foundation Commission, Berlin Sound Art Grant, Swedish Arts Council Grant, IMPULS Composition Award, Dan David Prize for Contemporary Music, Darmstadt Stipendienpreis και Berlin Composition Grant. Τέλος, έχει επιλεγεί για καλλιτεχνική φιλοξενία (residency) από την Akademie Schloss Solitude της Στουτγάρδης, τα Electronic Music Studios (Σουηδία), τη Villa Concordia (Γερμανία), το Πανεπιστήμιο Humboldt του Βερολίνου και το St John's College του Πανεπιστημίου της Οξφόρδης.

    • Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri (b. 1974) is a Greek-born composer and sound artist working in Ithaca, New York and Zurich Switzerland. Papalexandri’s works interweave the borderlines of sound art, musical composition, visual objects and performance and explore the factors that link these art forms.  The world of sound and the visual appearance of her works are in continuous interaction, while being uncompromisingly precise, pure and economical in their means.

      Papalexandri’s work have been exhibited internationally, including the the Donaueschingen Festival & Museum Art Plus; MuDa museum of digital art, Zurich; the Asmolean Museum, Oxford; Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin; Museum of Musical Instruments Berlin; Galerie Anhava, Helsinki; Galerie Denise René, Paris; Tokyo Art Fair; Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin; Japan Art Media; ISEA Hong Kong; Art Taipei; Center d’Art Monica, Barcelona; San Francisco Art Institute; Biennale Disegno Rimini, Italy; Transmediale, Berlin and Venice Biennale of Architecture. Papalexandri’s kinetic sound sculpture Speaking of Membranes, created in collaboration with Swiss artist Pe Lang is part of the Saastamoinen permanent collection of EMMA, Espoo Museum of Modern Art, Finland.

      Papalexandri obtained her BMus degree in music and MMus degree in composition from Goldsmiths College, University of London. Following postgraduate studies and research at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna (2008). She completed her doctoral studies in music composition (Ph.D.) at the University of California, San Diego (2008). In August 2016 Papalexandri joined the Cornell University Department of Music as Assistant Professor of Music Composition.

      Papalexandri’s music has been commissioned and premiered worldwide by ensembles and soloists such as Neue Vocalsolisten, Klangforum Wien, Ensemble SurPlus, Ensemble Mosaik, Chamber Curious Players, Yarn / Wire, Ensemble Dal Niente, Ensemble Scenatet, the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players, the Wet Ink Ensemble, Quartet New Generation, Orkest de Volharding, the London Improvisers Orchestra, the Hellenic Ensemble of Contemporary Music, Ensemble dissonArt, Hidden Mother, Ensemble This/Ensemble That, Karin Hellqvist, Ross Karre, Steven Schick, Justin Dehart,  Rhodri Davies, Ernst Surberg, Erik Drescher, Séverine Ballon amongst others, and featured in festivals such as MaerzMusik Festival, Berlin; the ISCM World Music Days, Stuttgart; Ultrashall, Berlin; ZKM, Karlsruhe; impuls, Graz; De Bijloke, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco; Dialogue Festival, Salzburg; Carlsbad Music Festival, Los Angeles; ECLAT Festival, Stuttgart; SPOR Festival, Aarhus; Audiograft Festival, Oxford; Concertgebouw Brugge; Athens Concert Hall; Tzlil Meudcan Festival, Tel Avil; Darmstadt; Gaudeamus Festival, Amsterdam; Issue Project Room, New York; Wien Modern and MATA New York.From 1999 to 2009 she was an active improviser (moving objects) performing with Eddie Prevost, Simon Vincent, Rob Wannamaker, John Lely, Sebastian Lexer, Seymour Wright, Steve Beresford and others.

      The recipient of the Humboldt-University of Berlin: Cluster of Excellence International Fellowship (2015), Papalexandri has been honored by numerous awards, residencies and grants, including the Ernst Von Siemens Foundation Commission (2016), the Berlin Senate Sound Art Grant (2016), the Swedish Arts Council Composition Grant (2016 & 2015), the Berlin Senate Composition Grant (2011), the International IMPULS Composition Award (2009), a residency at the Electronic Music Studios, Sweden (2008), the Dan David Prize for Contemporary Music (2007), the Darmstadt Stipendienpreis (2006), the Erickson Composition Fellowship (2004), the Kurt Weill Composition Fellowship, the Gluck Art Fellowship (2004) and a residency at the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart (2011-2012). In 2017 Papalexandri was a sound artist in residence at the International House of Artists Villa Corcodia Bamberg Germany and at  St John's College, University of Oxford. Papalexandri has been nominated for a 2019 residency at the International Instrument Inventor Foundation, the Hague, Holland.

      Papalexandri's current commissions include performative sound kinetic installations for Archipel 2018 Genève, ensemble Klangforum Wien, ensemble dissonArt, Quiet Music Ensemble and Susanne Fröhlich as well as a solo CD album to be released in 2019 by Japanese record label mAtter.