Basoglou, Andreas

  1. Person
  2. Male
  3. 20 September 1967
  4. Thessaloniki
  5. Greek | Australian
  6. Musician
    • University of Macedonia (01/10/2001-12/09/2003) [Μεταγραφή από την Ακαδημία Μουσικής, Χορού και Καλών Τεχνών Φιλιππούπολης] - Studies type: Τυπικές - Music degree: Πτυχίο επιπέδου ανωτάτης σχολής - Music teacher: Terzakis, Dimitris - Cognitive object: Composition
    • Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts Plovdiv (01/09/1999-31/08/2001) [Παιδαγωγική της Μουσικής Εκπαίδευσης, διδάσκοντες: Pl . Arabov, Zl. Deliradeva , Maria Stoyanova] - Studies type: Τυπικές - Music degree: Μη ολοκληρωμένες - Cognitive object: Music educator
    • Synchrono Conservatory of Thessaloniki (1995-1996) [Διδάσκων: Αρχοντής Νικόλαος] - Studies type: Τυπικές - Music degree: Δίπλωμα επιπέδου ανωτέρας σχολής - Cognitive object: Violin
    • State Conservatory of Thessaloniki (1990-1991) [Διδάσκων: Picouleatsa, Aurel] - Studies type: Τυπικές - Music degree: Πτυχίο επιπέδου ανωτέρας σχολής - Cognitive object: Violin
    • State Conservatory of Thessaloniki (1988-1989) [Διδάσκοντες: Μιμίκος, Θεόδωρος (Αρμονία, Ωδική) | Πατρώνας, Αθανάσιος (Ενοργάνωση Πνευστών Οργάνων)] - Studies type: Τυπικές - Music degree: Πτυχίο επιπέδου ανωτέρας σχολής - Cognitive object: Advanced theory
  7. Violinist | Composer | Music theorist | Music Educator
  8. The City of Thessaloniki Symphony Orchestra
  9. central
    • Moved from Greece to Armidale, New South Wales and then to Brisbane in Queensland.

      A. Music Studies

      1. Diploma in Violin (Dist.), State Conservatorium of Music, Further studies in Violin in Belgium (Academie de Musique et de L’Art de la Parole “Franz Constant” d’ Auderghem) and Bulgaria (Academic of Music & Dance, Plovdiv) and active participation in seminars, workshops, on teaching methods, on music ensembles with particular interest in the structure and function of a music ensemble for chamber music.

      2. Bachelor of Arts (major: Music Composition), Department of Music Science and Arts, University of Macedonia

      3. Degrees, State Conservatorium of Music and other Schools of Music, Greece, in:

      • Singing Composition (rules of composition and arrangement in singing)
      • Wind instruments instrumentation
      • Orchestration
      • Harmony
      • Counterpoint
      • Fugue

      B. Artistic-Professional Activity

      • Ex-member of several groups performing orchestral music in: a) Thessaloniki as the Cultural Capital City of Europe, b) Volos as one of the cities hosting the Olympic Games (2004), and c) Katerini, in one of the five national experimental workshops in Music High
      • Symphony Orchestra of Thessaloniki, Greece (ex-member): 11 yrs.
      • Orchestra of the National Singing Festival, Thessaloniki, ex-member.
      • Brussels Youth International Orchestra (BYIO): ex-member.
      • Own compositions performed titled: a) “Memniso Apistin”, b) “Δ’, c) “Ta tou kosmou” and others.
      • Participant in the composition competition by AUSTA for school String Orchestras (Reading Day 2021).

      C. Teaching Activities Greece

      • Full time Music Teacher in public education for 11 years. Employer: Greek Ministry of Education and Religion.
      • Organized music theatre workshops in schools (Greece).
      • Violin and Theory of Music Teacher at all grades for several private music schools in Greece.

      Armidale, NSW

      • Music Educator Member: New England Conservatorium Of Music
      • Sessional tutor for Violin & Chamber Music: New England Girls School
      • Member of the tutors’ team: Presbyterian Ladies’ College Armidale String Quartet (1st Place in Open Chamber Music Section, Armidale Eisteddfod, 2016)

      Brisbane, QLD

      • Private home studio for individual violin lessons

      D. Performances Armidale, NSW

      • Armidale Symphony Orchestra (Concert Master for 3 Concerts)
      • Opera in the Paddock (2015, 2016, 2017)
      • Armidale Choral Society (Concert Master in Handel`s Messiah)
      • Music Ensembles (ArCo)

      Brisbane, QLD

      • Corda Spiritus Orchestra
      • Brisbane City Pops Orchestra (BCPO)
      • Concerts with Spiridon Ranto’s Ensembles (2019-2020).

      E. Other credentials

      • Accredited Music Teacher (NSW Music Teachers’ Association)
      • Australian String Association (AUSTA) Member
      • Completed the Basic Training Course by Hellenic Search and Rescue

      M: (+61) 401 575241,