Fock, Dirk (1886-1973)

  1. Person
  2. Male
  3. 18 June 1886
  4. Batavia
  5. 24 May 1973
  6. Orselina
  7. Dutch
  8. Musician
  9. Composer | Conductor
  10. wikipedia | Personal Website
  11. central
    • Dirk Foch (1886-1973) is born in the Dutch East Indies to Dutch parents with the last name spelled as ‘Fock’. The first 12 years of his life in the city of Batavia, young Dirk absorbs his first musical impressions, as can be heard in the ‘Java Sketches for Piano’ that he composes in 1944 in the U.S.A.

      Back to the Netherlands
      In 1898, his family returns to the Netherlands and Foch takes his first steps in music: he plays the violin and writes compositions. Against the wishes of his father, counsel and statesman Dirk Fock Sr. (1858-1941), he opts for a career in music.

      Violinist under Gustav Mahler
      Foch leaves for Berlin, where he receives an education in conducting by Karl Muck and Artur Nikisch, and violin lessons by Anton Witek. The conductor Nikisch offers him a chance to play in the Berliner Philarmoniker and concertmaster Witek assigns him the place of first violinist. In the orchestra he plays under famous conductors such as Gustav Mahler.

VIAF Import
Wikipedia Import
  1. Dirk Foch (english)
  2. Dutch composer and conductor (1886-1973) (english)
  3. Dirk Fock (english) | Dirk Foch (1886-1973) (english)
  4. 18-06-1886
  5. 24-05-1973