Πικρός είναι ο πόνος μου / Κάκη, Ελβίρα [1936]

  1. Expression
  2. Recording
  3. Greek
    • Studio
  4. 1936 [περίπου Οκτώβριος]
  5. Κάκη, Ελβίρα
  6. Tsitsanis, Vassilis [Three-string bouzouki] | Peristeris, Spyros (1900-1966) [Piano]
    • E major
  7. Hetzaz mixed (diatonic and hetzaz-nikriz units in the dominant's area)
    • no
    • GO 2613
    • 3' 12''
  8. FormTonic centersStructural entitiesAlteration instancesModal context
    Theme AIVMinorVII↓
    • 9/8
    • Eighth note ~ 103
    • Zeibekikos
    Rhythmic groups
    Rhythmic pattern
  9. University of Ioannina