Mavilis, Lorentzos

  1. Person
  2. Male
  3. 06 September 1860
  4. Vathy Ithaca
  5. 28 November 1912
  6. Driskos (Ioannina)
  7. Greek | Spanish
  8. Poet
  9. central
    • Lorentzos Mavilis was a Greek sonneteer, war poet, and chess problems composer. He is best known for his sonnets.

      According to fellow poet Nikolaos Karvounis his last words were:

      "I was expecting honours from this war, but not the honour to sacrifice myself for Greece!"

    Wikipedia Import
    1. Λορέντζος Μαβίλης (Greek) | Lorentzos Mavilis (english)
    2. Έλληνας ποιητής και συνθέτης σκακιστικών προβλημάτων (Greek) | Greek poet and chess problem composer (1860-1912) (english)
    3. Λορέντζος Μαβίλης | Λορέντζος Μαβίλης | Lorentzos Mavilis
    4. 01-01-1860 | 06-09-1860
    5. 28-11-1912 | 01-01-1912