University of Music Detmold

  1. Organization
  2. Hochschule für Musik Detmold (German)
  3. 1946
  4. Detmold
  5. Educational_institution
  6. HfM Detmold | Wikipedia
    • HfM Detmold is a highly diverse university. The artistic promotion of excellent young musicians is closely linked to the promotion of the broad public. Both areas are mutually dependent. Within the range of courses offered, students and teachers of many nationalities are therefore involved in the practice, teaching, mediation, transmission and scientific analysis of music. The main focus is on the artistic subjects. Here the university devotes particular attention to the instruments of the classical symphony orchestra as well as the piano, the organ and opera and lieder singing from historically informed performance to contemporary music. Additional instruments taught are the accordion, guitar, recorder and saxophone. Great importance is attached to chamber music, which already plays a role in the training of young musicians at the Detmold Young Students’ Institute or in the scholarships of the Detmold Summer Academy. The tonmeisters of the Erich Thienhaus Institute capture the artistic work. Whether CD, live stream or audio file – artistic criteria play a decisive role in the transmission of music.

      1. central